009EG32 | Soybean
- New in 2024
- 009 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Rps3a Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Good/very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- SCN resistant
- Medium plant height
- Yielded 103.4% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials
01EG23 | Soybean
- New in 2024
- 01 maturity
- Very good emergence and standability
- Rps3a Phytophthora Root Rot resistant
- Good/very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- Brown Stem Rot resistant
- SCN resistant
- Good/very good Sclerotinia White Mold tolerance
- Medium plant height
- YIELD+ Top Performer – yielded 105.5% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials”
03EB02 | Soybean
- 03 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Very good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
- SCN resistant
- Medium plant height
05EG26 | Soybean
- NEW IN 2024
- 05 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Rps3a Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Good/very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- Brown Stem Rot resistant
- SCN resistant
- Medium to moderately tall plant height
- YIELD+ Top Performer – yielded 105.5% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials
06EC23 | Soybean
- 06 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Rps3a Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Brown Stem Rot resistant
- Good/very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
- SCN resistant
- Medium plant height
08EC32 | Soybean
- 08 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Rps1c3a Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Good/very good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- SCN resistant
- Medium plant height
01EH32 | Soybean
- Broadly adaptive to soil typesÂ
- Medium plant height stand well and works in all row widthsÂ
- Responds to higher-yielding management practices Â
- Offers Phytophthora root rot tolerance with the Rps3a geneÂ
- Brown stem rot protection