NK04-A9E3 | Soybean
- Strong IDC tolerance
- Solid Phytophthora field tolerance
- Great option for variable acres with consistent performance
NK02-M4XF | Soybean
- Dependable standability and strong tolerance to Soybean White Mold
- Solid Phytophthora Root Rot field tolerance
- Good fit for both highly productive and stress acres
NK05-W3XF | Soybean
- Rps1c gene with strong field tolerance to Phytophthora Root Rot
- Great performance on poorly drained and drought prone soils
- Good stem dry down and pod height for easy cutting
NK07-G5E3 | Soybean
- Peking!
- Consistent yield performance across environments with strong drought tolerance
- Great choice for fields with Iron Deficiency Chlorosis
- Rps1k/3a gene stack with excellent Phytophthora field tolerance
NK08-R3XF| Soybean
- Very good Soybean White Mold tolerance
- Strong Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- Solid Phytophthora field tolerance with excellent performance on poorly drained soils